from a land of low-lying clouds (18+18)

These sculptures were featured in a multi-stage, cross-disciplinary project, Reverse Rehearsals, curated by Michele Carlson and Nathan Lynch at Southern Exposure. Seven writers and six artists worked in three phases. First Terry Berlier, Julie Henson, and Patrick Gillespie created large installations that could serve as stages. Then Maria Porges, Jenene Nagy, and I worked on “props” and images to respond to and populate those sets. Finally the writers, Dodie Bellamy, Victoria Gannon, Susan Gevirtz, Kari Marboe, Pam Martin, Kyle Metzner, and Michael Swaine developed written pieces to be presented during a closing event/reading.

Also in these images: wall painting by Jenene Nagy and cut wood “screen” installation by Julie Henson

Project details


spraypaint and drawing media on paper sculpture

Project date


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